Category: Publication about Education

What Is a Para Educator?
A ParaEducator is a professional who provides support to teachers and students in a school setting. The job is also known by many other names, such as paraeducator, para-pro, para-swami, educational assistant, classroom assistant, or instructional assistant. Here are some of the top reasons to consider becoming a ParaEducator. Here are some tips on how…
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What Is Scaffolding in Education?
The main benefit of using scaffolding in education is that it encourages independent learning and problem-solving skills. It removes anxiety and frustration and allows students to solve problems on their own. The following are some of the benefits of using scaffolding in education. Learn more about this technique in this article. This article will provide…
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When Was Brown v Board of Education Decided?
Do you know when was Brown v Board of Education? If not, then you should. This case changed the way public schools are run, and it led to numerous landmark decisions. Here’s a quick guide to the case and its impact on American society. Hopefully, you’ll be able to apply what you learn to your…
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An Overview of Post-Secondary Education
An Overview of Post-Secondary Education Post-secondary education, otherwise known as higher education, is the last phase of formal learning after secondary school. It can include degree-granting institutions, vocational training, and access courses. This article will give you an overview of the different types of higher education. This article covers all of the different types of…
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